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ADXORB ACTIVATED CARBON is a specially formulated and tested activated carbon that effectively removes a range of harmful chemicals through the adsorbtion process.


In the realm of air purification, adsorption is a critical process that involves the attraction and capture of contaminated airborne particles and vapors. These pollutants are drawn towards the surface of a material called activated carbon, which is specially treated to have an incredibly large surface area comprising numerous tiny pores and spaces.

Unlike absorption, where substances are absorbed into the structure of an absorbent, adsorption involves the pollutants adhering to the external surface of the carbon lattice. The extensive surface area of activated carbon provides numerous adsorption sites for gas molecules. Over time, the adsorption sites may become saturated, reducing the filter’s effectiveness. This saturation can result in the release of chemicals and the development of odors. Regularly replacing the carbon filter is essential to maintain optimum air quality.


Independent test results on tractor cabin filters


The Technological Evolution of Carbon Filtration

Throughout history, humans have harnessed the power of charcoal to purify water and noxious gases to combat various impurities. Charcoal, or carbon, is the residue left behind after incomplete combustion. By heating substances like wood, coconut shells, or coal in a vacuum chamber, volatile compounds are released, leaving behind carbon. To enhance its adsorption capabilities, activated carbon undergoes additional processing. The activation process creates a vast network of microscopic pores, significantly increasing its surface area and enabling greater chemical trapping. Additionally, chemical treatments can further enhance its ability to filter specific pollutants.

Effective Use and Applications of Activated Carbon

To maximize the efficiency of activated carbon air filters, it’s crucial to consider the following factors:


  • Sufficient Carbon Quantity: Filters with a substantial amount of carbon, are more effective as they provide more adsorption sites.
  • Optimal Air Flow: Filters with a thick layer of carbon and longer dwell time allow air to spend more time in contact with the carbon, increasing the filtration effectiveness.
  • Timely Replacement: Carbon filters become saturated over time, losing their ability to trap pollutants. While there are no visible indicators, following manufacturer guidelines for replacement or a monthly schedule is recommended.

Our Partnerships

Adxorb takes pride in collaborating with two leading chemical filtration specialists to safeguard agricultural operators worldwide against harmful gases encountered during spraying operations.

Through exclusive partnerships
with Ultrasafe and Purecab, Adxorb supplies chemical air filters for tractors worldwide including Australia, New Zealand, North America, UK and Europe.

Adxorb’s carbon is solely dedicated to protecting farmers from agricultural chemicals in collaboration with both Ultrasafe and Purecab.

Read more about our work with Ultrasafe and Purecab: